Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Check in 8/24

Good and bad to report. Yesterday I did pretty well on food intake until the afternoon when I had a drop in my sugar. I had to eat something and the only thing around was a pack of nabs and cookies - a waste of calories and high in fat/carbs. Then I came home and my boyfriend had bought me a box of Junior Mints. I love him for thinking of me, but had to tell him not to bring me anymore treats for awhile. I downed the box and then felt jittery all night from all the sugar. Didn't workout either. So I blew yesterday. Again.

Today was better. I stayed under 1400 calories and got in a 30 minute Leslie Sansone DVD walk before having to go to a work meeting tonight. But while I did ok calorie-wise, the quality of my food wasn't great: Tuna Helper (a lower calorie/fat kind, but very high in carbs) for lunch, a grilled chicken sandwich from Burger King for dinner, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Convenience foods are convenient but they don't usually taste very good. I don't think I'm ever going to be a grilled chicken sandwich kind of girl. When I was living a healthy lifestyle before, I think I tried grilled chicken sandwiches at almost every fast food restaurant chain in my area and none of them were great. If you've had a good one that's still low in fat/calories, please let me know where!!!!

I know fast food restaurants have made great strides in providing more healthy choices - I just wish they'd do even more. Options are limited to one or two menu items at most places: salads (and not the really good ones loaded down with cheese), grilled chicken sandwiches, small hamburgers w/ no cheese, fruit cups, chili (from Wendy's), Subway subs w/out cheese. Anyone have any favorite fast food meals that are still healthy?

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